Read our 2022/23 Impact Report
In our Impact report we share that we proudly hosted 73 mentoring sessions for social enterprises and charities in the past year.
The Board are our link between Expert Impact staff and the wider community of more than 200 social entrepreneurs that have now used the mentoring service. They help us out with connections, advise on the support that the network are looking for and act as cheerleaders for the service.
Using the Expert Impact mentoring service is about more than the hour you spend with an Expert, discussing whichever business challenge you’re tackling.
Once you have used the service, if you choose to, you become part of our Alumni Network. Within the group you will find many social entrepreneurs at different stages of growth with their organisations.
In the spirit of Expert Impact, we encourage members of the network to ask each other for help and advice. There may also be opportunities to collaborate.
The hope is that if Expert Impact ceases to exist one day, there will be a strong community of social entrepreneurs who will help each other out and rise together.
The alumni network is also represented by a Board, who are there to go to with suggestions. This might be for the type of content you want to see on the website, some training that you’d like to see or a workshop you would like us to run. Any member of the Board can be contacted through the Alumni Network LinkedIn group.
They will discuss your suggestions with us at regular Board meetings, at which point we’ll endeavour to put in place events or resources that will further support our alumni. So who are they? It’s time to find out:
Kim is the co-founder (with Paul Singh, see below) of Equal Education, a social enterprise that offers personalised learning for disadvantaged pupils with complex educational and social needs. Kim has previously worked as a careers advisor for young people and extensively with local authorities.
Charly is the CEO and co-founder of The Girls’ Network, which offers girls from the least advantaged backgrounds mentorship from inspirational and motivated women across a range of professions and from a wide range of backgrounds. The aim is to develop confidence in the girls, inspire them to be ambitious and create amazing futures.
Jemma is the founder and Director of School Space, a service which helps schools generate extra funds by hiring out their spaces to individuals, clubs, societies, and local businesses. A Cambridge University graduate, Jemma is also part of the 10,000 Small Business Programme run from Said Business School at Oxford University.
With Kim Rihal (above), Paul is the co-founder of Equal Education, which works to improve the outcomes for vulnerable children. His background – in mechanical and chemical engineering – got him
interested in the development and implementation of strategies and methodologies for complex, multivariate non-linear problems.
Julian is the UK Managing Director for Lemon-Aid Beverages, which are soft drinks with a social mission. They’re made from organic ingredients grown by small farming cooperatives in the Fairtrade scheme and part of the profits are used to support development projects in the growing regions.
Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash
Read our 2022/23 Impact Report
In our Impact report we share that we proudly hosted 73 mentoring sessions for social enterprises and charities in the past year.
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